Why Moisture Control Is Important For Your Home

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Moisture not only damages a house and leads to mold, fungus, and mildew, but it also attracts termites, rodents and other insects. That’s why moisture control is such an important step in maintaining your property and keeping pests at bay. There are many ways to get rid of moisture at the foundation of your home or commercial property. This blog will discuss the different ways to prevent and treat moisture and mold prevention.

Anyone who owns a house or commercial property knows the costly damages water can create. Water at the foundation can cause extensive damage to your property creating mold, mildew, and fungus. Water also attracts termites, which leads to widespread damage.

Of course, a leak under or near a structure can cause damage or attract other unwanted pests and organisms to a  specific location, but the vast majority of the moisture conditions that we encounter come from a more general source, i.e. water that enters the structure via groundwater percolation, improper grading or excessive condensation.

Water entering the foundation – High water during rainy seasons or a shallow layer of clay beneath your crawl space can cause moisture infiltration. These issues can be treated through underground drainage systems, using sump pumps; polyethylene moisture barriers, and self-monitored moisture evacuation systems.

Condensation – Leaky or poorly insulated ductwork in the crawl space can lead to condensation. Even if the ductwork is not leaking into the soil underneath the house, it can be vaporizing into the crawl space. The hot, humid air collides with cooler air in the crawl space causing condensation. Replacing or resealing the ductwork in conjunction with an automated moisture extraction system can remedy these issues.

A reputable moisture control company will look for and address both types of moisture problems.

Types of Moisture Treatment

  • Dehumidifier – A dehumidifier does just as its name implies. It takes the humidity out of the air and thereby prevents condensation from clinging to the foundation.
  • Sump Pumps – A sump pump removes and reroutes accumulating water away from a home or property. Sump pumps are automatic systems that drain when the water level rises. Drainage System
  • Vapor Barriers – Vapor barriers are lightweight polyethylene sheets that are laid on the soil in the crawl-space. These barriers are impervious to water and condensation.
  • Encapsulation – Crawl spaces can be encapsulated by attaching vapor barriers to the foundation walls and sealing them to the floor vapor barriers. All plumbing and supports are also sealed. Caulking is applied to the foundation wall and barriers to seal the moisture.
  • Drainage Systems – Drainage systems carry water away from problem areas through a drainage pipe and then deposit the water in a more suitable area. French drains are a type of drainage system that carries water through piping underneath the gravel.
  • Downspouts and extenders-Both of these will carry the water from your roof away from the house. Using extenders carries the water further away, which is the preferred method. Click here to find out how to Use Downspouts to Deter Decay and Termite Infestations.

Does your home or property have a moisture control problem? In areas with high water tables and lots of humidity, moisture can cause costly damages. Both of which are present when you live in Hampton Roads Virginia.

The only way to know before you are paying for the damages is to have a moisture inspection. Many local pest control companies offer this service.

PESTOUT provides moisture control in Newport News VA. Our moisture control services include:

  • Dehumidifier
  • Repair/Replace Wood
  • Sump Pumps
  • Drainage System
  • Vapor Barrier
  • Wood Treatment
  • Moisture Evacuation System
  • Encapsulate
  • Ventilation

Call to set up an inspection with PESTOUT in Newport News and surrounding Hampton Roads cities at (757) 856-6557.