10 Tips To Keep Your Yard From Becoming a Mosquito Breeding Ground!

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It’s been a very hot summer, with a lot of rain! How we long for the sunshine and less humidity! Unfortunately with these conditions can come more mosquitoes and other pests on your property. Bugs unfortunately see the warmer, wetter days as an open invitation to come out of hiding, but there are some ways for you to stop them in their tracks. Whether you’re a homeowner or currently renting a place, you might be wondering how you can prevent mosquitoes from invading your home and turning your yard into a mosquito breeding ground. Here are 10 tips we’ve compiled to help you!

Tip 1: Get Rid Of Standing Water.

With heavy rainfall, make sure to keep an eye on water around your home and property. Do your best not to leave any standing water in your kitchen, bathroom or yard, because even the tiniest pool of water can make the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can breed in flower pots, puddles, bird baths and even empty tires that fill up with water during a storm, so you should regularly inspect your home and yard for standing water.

Tip 2: Eliminate Potential Hiding Places.

Mosquitoes really don’t need much to breed, and they’re also pretty good at hiding just out of sight. If you want to be thorough in protecting your home from mosquitoes, consider some regular maintenance; get rid of any debris that might be collecting standing water in your yard, and trim grass and other overgrown plants so that mosquitoes don’t have a moist place to rest and hide. If you have any buckets or toys in your yard that could collect water, flip them over so they don’t retain water.

Tip 3: Don’t Forget About Plumbing.

Standing water doesn’t just come from rainfall. If any of your pipes are leaking, you might also end up with pools of water around your home, in your crawl space and yard. If your window air conditioning unit is dripping with condensation, mosquitoes could breed. Perhaps a hose in your backyard isn’t properly secured to the outdoor faucet, creating another potential leak. To make sure you don’t accidentally create an inviting atmosphere for mosquitoes, stay on top of all the water sources both inside and outside your home.

Tip 4: Regularly Replace Fresh Water.

Although we encourage you to eliminate all sources of still or standing water, we know that isn’t always possible. Your pet needs to drink water, plants need to grow and birds need a place to bathe. Here’s the problem — mosquitoes need a very minimal amount of water to breed. If you have any water sources around your property that are absolutely necessary, such as a dog’s water bowl or a plant saucer, empty and refill them at least once a day, if not more. Mosquito eggs typically hatch within 48 hours and then take just over a week to become fully-fledged adults. Constantly refreshing fresh water supplies will make it harder for mosquitoes to breed.

Tip 5: Clean Your Gutters.

When trying to repel mosquitoes, don’t forget about the spaces you can’t necessarily see. Keeping your yard mosquito-free also means cleaning out gutters and downspouts that might have collected debris during the winter months. If they’re not clean, they might not be draining properly, so make sure you clear them out before mosquitoes start using them as a prime breeding spot.

Tip 6: Invest In Pool Maintenance.

If you have a pool or jacuzzi in your backyard, make sure you keep the water chlorinated and regularly clean or replace any water filters. You obviously can’t — and shouldn’t — drain and refill your pool every single day, but you can maintain it in such a way that mosquitoes won’t be tempted to lay their eggs in the water or the filter.

Tip 7: Monitor And/Or Fill Any Other Nooks And Crannies.

Mosquitoes can get creative when looking for places to breed. As a result, we have to be equally creative in trying to stop them. If you have any trees in your yard with holes that could collect standing water, for example, or if you see any gaps and crevices along your porch, try filling these spaces with sand or other materials. Alternatively, find ways to eliminate them entirely, so that mosquitoes can’t take up residence in them.

Tip 8: Grow Plants That Repel Mosquitoes. 

If you’re looking for more natural ways to discourage mosquitoes from paying you a visit, consider investing in a diverse garden, complete with plants that mosquitoes typically stay away from. You can plant herbs like basil and lavender, or flowers like marigolds and geraniums. Mosquitoes tend to avoid these plants because they don’t like how they smell — and in the long run, you’ll be able to show off a beautiful garden and cook with some homegrown herbs! And if you have a pond in your garden or yard, you might also consider installing a fountain to disrupt the standing water, so that mosquitoes can’t use it is a stable breeding ground. They don’t like moving water!

Tip 9: Only Use Pest Repellent Sprays If Absolutely Necessary.

When you think about all the places on your property that mosquitoes may be hiding, it can be tempting to use sprays and insecticides to repel them, but only do that as a last resort. Unfortunately, popular insecticides don’t just kill mosquitoes and other pests. They also kill necessary pollinators like bees, and they often act as irritants on human skin. There are many ways to prevent mosquitoes from taking over your home and yard, and you should pursue those avenues before seeking out chemical solutions.

Tip 10: Hire A Professional.

Professional Mosquito treatments are available that can safely treat your yard. Getting your yard treated regularly during the spring and summer months for mosquitoes will prevent mosquitoes from becoming a problem. PESTOUT provides a safe and effective mist for your mosquito lawn treatment.

With all of the rainfall we’ve gotten recently, and the promise of more on the way, standing water is an even bigger risk than usual, but you can follow all of these tips to keep your home and yard mosquito-free this summer!

For more information about PESTOUT’s Mosquito Treatments, call our office at (757) 856-6557 or click here..