An All-Inclusive Guide To Ant Control For Hampton Roads Homeowners

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ants in kitchen sink

Experts estimate that there are around 1,000 ant species in the United States. So it shouldn't come as a surprise when you can't figure out what kind of ants you're dealing with around, or inside, your Hampton Roads home. But ants can be broken down into classifications. This makes it easier to figure out what ants they are and what ant control methods will work to get control of them. But there are some control methods that can help you manage ant pests, no matter what species of ant you're up against. Here is a quick, all-inclusive guide to ant control in Hampton Roads.

Clean Up Organic Debris

You would be amazed if you could see how leaf litter and leaf piles impact ant activity. If you have leaves in your yard, it is a good idea to rake them up and remove them from your property. This can really make a difference in the ant populations around your home.

Decaying Organic Matter

The strong smell of decay is an attractant for ants. If you place a garbage bag down in your garage or outside near your trash bins, the rotting juices in the bottom of the bag can leak out onto the ground. These juices will draw ants from a distance. Make sure to clean up any organic juice spills, and be sure to put your trash right into the container. Every few months, take the time to wash out your trash container in a location away from your home. If you apply these small sanitation tips, it will have a big impact.

Wood Piles

Many ant species, carpenter ants in particular, will be drawn to piles of wood. If you stack firewood near your home, or you have construction materials in your yard, don't be surprised when ants show up. These are highly attractive harborage options for ants. We recommend keeping wood piles at least 20 feet from your home, and get them up off the ground if you can.

Aphids And Honeydew

There are few ants that can resist the taste of honeydew. This is a sweet liquid secreted by aphids and other plant-damaging pests. Ants crawl all over your landscaping looking for globs of this sweet residue like children searching for eggs on Easter morning. You can reduce aphids and other plant-damaging pests by keeping your plants as healthy as possible. One way to do this is to prevent over saturation. We recommend the following tips:

  • Water plants in the early morning while it is still cool. This will allow the water to sink into the soil before it is evaporated by the sun. It will also prevent water from sitting on your plants through the night.
  • Trim tree branches to allow sunlight to dry areas that tend to stay shady and moist.
  • Put space between your plants to let the air move through your landscaping.

Seal Entry Points

Some ants love cracks and tight spaces. If they see cracks in your foundation wall, they're going to take advantage of them. We recommend using a sealant to cover cracks and prevent pest entry. Also, take the time to do an inspection of your exterior and use a caulking gun to seal cracks, gaps, and holes in wood.

Ant Control Products

If you have a residential pest control plan, your exterior will get routine treatments that work to repel and eliminate ant pests. There is no better way to keep ants out of your home than this. If you live in Hampton Roads, we can assist you with this. Connect with us any time and request a pest control inspection for your Hampton Roads home. We'll help you get the right solution for your specific needs and budget.

Call PESTOUT today for your courtesy comprehensive ant control and inspection or to schedule a service.