Mosquito Identification Guide

What are mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are annoying pests that deliver itchy bites in order to feed on the blood of their human and animal hosts. Mosquitoes are small, fly-like insects with narrow bodies, a pair of translucent wings, and long, thin legs. Mosquitoes also have an elongated mouthpart called a proboscis that they use for feeding. Females use their proboscis to consume blood meals. Both males and females use their proboscis to feed on plant nectar – their primary food source.

a mosquito on a leaf

Are mosquitoes dangerous?

Apart from being nuisance pests, mosquitoes are dangerous and can transmit a variety of diseases to both people and animals. They spread things like West Nile virus, eastern equine encephalitis, and more. Mosquitoes are a threat to our pets as well, transmitting parasitic heartworms to them, which, if not treated, can be deadly.

Why do I have a mosquito problem?

Mosquitoes are hard to avoid. They live and breed outside and can travel for several miles in search of food. Properties with areas of standing water to lay their eggs are highly attractive to mosquitoes. Both females and males feed on plant nectar as their main food source, so properties with a lot of flowering trees and shrubs are also desirable to mosquitoes.

Where will I find mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes live in a variety of outdoor habitats, including heavily wooded areas, athletic fields, tall grasses around ponds or lakes, or in yards. They like to gather around areas of standing water like ponds, drainage ditches, marshes, clogged gutters, buckets, and other containers that collect water. When the weather is at its hottest during the middle of the day, mosquitoes rest behind tree bark, in tall grass, along fences lines, under tree canopies, and in areas of dense vegetation.

How do I get rid of mosquitoes?

To solve your mosquito problem, it is best to partner with a professional. PESTOUT® is committed to getting rid of mosquitoes and other pests, and keeping them out! Here at PESTOUT®, we are a family-owned company dedicated to serving the needs of our residential and commercial customers.

Our friendly professionals utilize advanced technologies to deliver the comprehensive pest control services needed to solve pest problems in Hampton Roads Virginia. If you would like to learn more about implementing our mosquito control services into your Virginia home or business, reach out to PESTOUT® today. One call controls them all!

How can I prevent mosquitoes in the future?

Prevent problems with mosquitoes by implementing the following prevention tips in and around your Virginia home:

  • Keep doors and windows closed as much as possible, and repair damaged screens.

  • Maintain gutters to prevent water from pooling in them.

  • Fill any low-lying areas on your property that collect rainwater.

  • Keep containers from collecting rainwater by storing them upside down when not in use.

  • Keep tarps tied tight to prevent them from collecting water.

  • Don’t allow water to collect on garbage can lids.

  • Cut back overgrown vegetation on your property.

  • Maintain your yard and keep your grass cut short.


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