keyboard coffee and paper on a desk
fire ants on a tree limb

Facts About Ants In Virginia Beach


Are ants tunneling around your Virginia Beach home? Ants are masters at banding together into a nuisance. However, they also pose a big health risk and can ruin the integrity of your house. Find out how to prevent ants from making a mess of your home.... Read More

ants in kitchen sink

An All-Inclusive Guide To Ant Control For Hampton Roads Homeowners


Experts estimate that there are around 1,000 ant species in the United States. So it shouldn't come as a surprise when you can't figure out what kind of ants you're dealing with around, or inside, your Hampton Roads home. But ants can be broken down into classifications. This makes it easier to figure out what ants they are and what ant control methods will work to get control of them.... Read More

How To Get Rid Of Ants


Ants forage for food and water, and your home is the perfect place to find what they’re looking for. Ants are also attracted to moisture.... Read More