Virginia Beach's Complete Spider Prevention Guide

Don't get stressed out, call PESTOUT®

Most spiders in Virginia Beach do not cause major medical concerns or property damage, but even nuisance spiders can be a pain to have around. Whether you find yourself walking through nearly invisible webs or coming face-to-face in unexpected encounters, spiders are not on the list of acceptable house guests. Find out more about area spiders, how to prevent them, and how PESTOUT can help.

Common Virginia Beach Spiders

All spiders are not made equal. There are thousands of varieties and just as many unique traits; however, all spiders do have a lot in common. The most common species in Virginia Beach include:

  • Wolf spiders: Wolf spiders alarm many residents because of their larger size and hairy bodies. They also move quickly, choosing to run down their prey instead of using webs to hunt. 
  • Sac spiders: These spiders can often be identified by their tent-like webs. They hide in their sac during the day and hunt at night, and are generally pale with a dark "V" shape. These spiders nest up high, generally along with the ceiling in bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens. 
  • Orb-weaver spiders: Orb-weaver spiders are also known for their webs, which they rebuild each day. They tend to be brown or gray and can be difficult to distinguish from other species. They like to build webs on decks or the exterior of homes, especially near outdoor lighting sources. 
  • House spiders: These spiders are small with around abdomen and tend to be grey with white markings. Like most spiders, they hide in corners or underneath cabinets or lesser-used areas like basements or crawl spaces. 
  • Black widow spiders: These spiders are easy to spot with their jet black bodies and red warning colors. They can grow as large as 1 ½ inches and tend to nest in out-of-the-way places. While bites from these spiders are rare, they do require medical attention. 
  • Brown recluse spiders: The other medically significant spider in the area is the brown recluse. These spiders are a bit tougher to identify, but they do have darker violin-shaped markings on their tan to brown bodies. Like black widow spiders, a bite from one of these requires prompt attention from a doctor.

Whatever spider is plaguing your Virginia Beach home, it is worth taking some steps to encourage them to get out.

Removing Spider Temptations

Unlike pests that are drawn to human activity for the resources that we provide, spiders enter Virginia Beach homes in search of prey. The first step in keeping spiders out of your home is to keep out the insects that they hunt. You can do this by putting into practice some general pest management techniques, such as:

  • Storing food in airtight containers,
  • Keeping both indoor and outdoor trash cans covered,
  • Clearing away clutter, and
  • Addressing sources of excess moisture.

By eliminating temptations for other pests, you will go a long way toward preventing spiders from entering your home.

Keeping Spiders Out

Beyond limiting their food sources, there are some things you can do to directly deter spiders from making their home on your property. Regularly sweeping away webs will discourage spiders from settling in. Keeping woodpiles stacked neatly away from your building will reduce the chances that spiders that are drawn to them will wander inside. Finally, sealing up entry points such as gaps or cracks in the exterior of your home, torn screens, or damaged door sweeps, will reduce the chances of spiders or their pest prey getting inside your home.

The Best In Spider Prevention

If despite your efforts, spiders are making their way into your Virginia Beach home, there’s no need to fret — simply call the professionals at PESTOUT. We can eliminate existing infestations of spiders or the pests that are attracting them, or prevent them from getting inside in the first place. Contact us today to find out more about our spider control options.